As the founder of, diving into the startup world was like stepping into an unknown realm. After pitching to 48 investors, I've come to realize the harsh yet enlightening truths of the Indian startup ecosystem. Let me share some personal insights that go beyond the gloss of entrepreneurship.
1. The Harsh Reality of 'Pre-Seed' Funding:
In India, “pre-seed” (pre-product, pre-traction, pre-revenue, pre-everything) often feels like a mythical stage. It's portrayed as an opportunity for idea-stage startups, but the truth is far different. With just an idea and some problem validation, the hope of raising funds is like finding water in a desert. It's a harsh lesson in expectations versus reality.
2. Navigating the Misunderstood Construction Tech Space:
Despite the success stories we hear, the construction tech space is still a puzzle for many VCs in India. Struggling to find investors who understand our domain was disheartening. It's like speaking a language that only a few comprehend.
3. Explaining Our World to Investors:
The knowledge gap is real. When pitching, explaining the difference between an architect and a contractor often became a basic part of my presentation. It was like starting a story from page one every single time.
4. Traction Trumps Everything
The current investment climate has one clear ruler – traction. Without solid metrics or revenue, your story might not even be heard. It’s a cold reality that taught me the importance of numbers.
5. The Elite Bias: A Bitter Pill to Swallow:
I felt the weight of bias even though I went to SPA Bhopal- the IIT of architecture. It's an emotional battle, fighting to prove your worth against the pedigree of IITs, IIMs and Ivy Leagues. But this struggle only made my resolve stronger, to make a name that resonates on its merit.
6. Selling the Vision: A Tough Sell:
Dreaming big and selling that dream to investors has been one of my toughest challenges. In a field that’s barely understood, every pitch felt like painting a picture in the dark.
These experiences, though emotionally taxing, have been incredibly humbling and enlightening. They’ve taught me to be shameless, fearless, and resilient.
To every aspiring entrepreneur out there, remember that your journey is unique. Embrace every setback and triumph. We are more than our challenges.
Feel free to reach out if you’re on a similar path or have insights to share. Let’s support each other in this journey.