Freelancing 101 for Architects and Interior DesignersZeyka IndiaApr 2, 2024Do NOT work for free in the name of “exposure”, EVER. If your clients can pay their doctor, their marriage counsellor, their gym trainer, their accountant, they can most certainly afford to pay you!
Do NOT work for free in the name of “exposure”, EVER. If your clients can pay their doctor, their marriage counsellor, their gym trainer, their accountant, they can most certainly afford to pay you!
Running Your Design Studio 101I've spoken to 183 designers. >90% say their greatest challenge is selecting materials with clients. The biggest cause for delays, it...
Starting Your Design Studio 101Why do soulless fucking work for long fucking hours, for a meagre fucking salary, and an obnoxious fucking boss, in a toxic fucking work...
The first step to becoming a Starchitect in the age of AI…The first step to becoming a Starchitect in the age of AI, is to integrate tech into all your processes related to design, procurement,...